Monday, September 03, 2007


AUGUST 25/2007

"Success is never final and Failure never fatal. It's courage that counts."
-George F. Tilton

"Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others."
- Samuel Johnson

The happy couple has returned from their honeymoon -- an awesome couple -- am I brimming with pride - YUP!!

Been a busy week again (I know Steve -- seems like I always am) and when I think I can't get busier, I take on something new to just add more to it........The clinics are gearing up for their first race weekend this weekend -- about 12 are doing the Port Perry half marathon with me and another 8 are doing the 60k Breast Cancer Weekend Walk for the Cure.................Watch for the results as the A TEAM storms Port Perry --- where there was only me from this area last year the team has grown and we should do very well taking everything into consideration.

My monthly total for mileage last month was 290kms -- giving me approximately 2300kms to date this year......I have added a new twist -- I have found that some hard biking outdoors has been a very different and supportive cardio and leg workout -- so I am trying to do 65km per week walking training plus 75kms on the bike per week just to see how this will impact my overall fitness level...........

Suwa Ko is only 8 weeks away......Port Perry this weekend and the Toronto half marathon on Oct 14 as warmups before then!!

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