Monday, November 20, 2006


"The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to stay ashore...unlike the mediocre, intrepid spirits seej victory over those things that seem is with an iron will that they embark on the most daring of all endeavors... to meet the shadowy future without fear and conquer the unknown."
Ferdinand Magellan, explorer, 1520

Well it has been a few very busy days since I have lated posted on this site-although I have been intently watching Sarah and Bryans blogs with interest.
Although I have not been posting I have been training very hard for Vegas. After hurting my knee it has taken me awhile tol get back up to speed but last week I was able to work out at speed most of the wekk and got about 85km in for the week. Got in a total of about 30km in yeaterday and am happy with the results - that was my last real long walk beofre Vegas as According to my schedule I should start to taper now although I think I will probable still do a long walk with Glenn on Sunday and some of the other folks in my clinic who are eager to get started before January
I think this is a very timely quote today as I get ready to face the unknown of my first full marathon---I think I have followed my training plan and fitness/endurance plans well over the alst year to get myself ready for this and in 3 short weeks we will know if my plans were conceived in reality.
A great week yet hectic at work last week with the new position. Then yesterday dinner at Glenn andLin's home which was awesome and Glenn found a book of quotes for me that are awesome --- Thanks Glenn
Sorry about the Als Sarah --- and sorry about the CFL -- a bad season of poor football climaxing in a boring and poorly played Grey Cup - I hope they can fix the league

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