Monday, August 28, 2006

I was a great walk this morning - accomplished 24km and in decent time - that will probably be it for the long stuff until the Port Perry Half - the weather was perfect this morning and very peaceful - have found some new trails and hills to add in on my long days - so I feel as if I accomplished quite a bit.
And then if was off to work - started some temporary(?) management duties today at work - unfortunately I finished at 8pm and then have to start at 0400am tomorrow
I am really hoping that I can meet with the Ontario Racewalkers tomorrow to begin some real coaching - I finish work at noon and if I can get some beauty sleep I will go to their workout at 530pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another day Allan... Walk a half-marathon... then go to work... Nothing special!!

Man, I have some serious work to do before I get to that point. But it's great to see someone who's "been there and done that". Yes, it can be done
