Monday, February 12, 2007


Ancient Samurai saying: Warriors take chances.
Like everyone else, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them.

Once again, just a quick update - 14.5k this morning before I came into work. Looking forward to a full week of outdoor workouts(I hope) as I am looking to switch gyms to one where I can workout with some of my training partners. Looking forward to our clinic this week, as we have Russell Gunner coming in to talk about injury prevention/stretching etc. - should be a very informative session.
I have a couple of great pictures of David from the Octagon on Friday in Montreal which I will download to this post when I get to it later tonight. There you go - I got it in - David heading down the ramp to the Octagon - A True Samurai --obvious why I chose this quote today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a cool picture! He must get a real rush when he enters the ring before each bout.