Saturday, February 03, 2007


"The Truth is that Running/Walking Hurts. No one gets faster without meeting their personal pain barrier straight on. No amount of junk miles, fun runs/walks or affirmations are going to get you over the hill at the five mile mark in a 10k. However, what will pull you through is solid prep with hard hill runs/walks and interval work."- Manciata's explanation of the Truth about Running &Racewalker55s addition on walking

It really doesn't matter whether or not it is running or walking, as I really feel this quote is really indicative of my training program and the program I am using for my clinic. It is funny as some of my "A Team" jokingly say they have this love/hate relationship with the program. However I digress - goes with being one year older.
Doing 16k with the group in the morning while Glenn and I did 12.5k today with Lin joining us for the first 5k - she is coming back from an injury and making great progress - it is great to see her getting her form back.
The posts will be few and far between this week as I am away at a conference until Friday - hopefully I can get some training in.
Have a great week everyone

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