Monday, June 11, 2007


Paula Newby-Fraser: "Everyone has limits on the time they can devote to exercise, and cross-training simply gives you the best return on your investment balanced fitness with minimum injury risk and maximum fun."
An early start to a new week - these 0400am work day starts are a killer - up at 0230am to get ready and out of the door at 0300 to head for my office in Hamilton - I know "have a little cheese with my 'whine'"
Had a great day of training yesterday - did close to 7 km with my Oakville clinic group and then when I got home had the desire to do more so I went out with the intention of pushing as much as I could for an hour. I ended up doing 9k in 58:37 which, considering the recovery period from Mississauga, was very satisfying - so barring any unforeseen problems, I should be race ready for next weeks OTMH 5k.
I am doing my first "guest speaker" spot at a 10k Running Room clinic tonight and I am very excited about this opportunity - hopefully I can motivate some people in to sticking with this great sport and also doing a half/full marathon clinic in the future.
The quote today I just stumbled across - pretty ironic considering I have gone back to what got me here and which I had gotten away from. That is the X training - my first intense x training session was Saturday and I was a little stiff and sore on Sunday but psychologically if not physically I felt stronger. I am now going to schedule two major cross training sessions for Tuesdays and Fridays each week. I hope this makes me both stronger and faster and maximize my endurance as well.

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