Saturday, October 14, 2006

"As you get older, your body doesn't act the same way it did when you were twenty, but you can still accomplish the same things. You just have to use your head a bit more"
Kristine Lilly 3 time Olympian - USA National Soccer Team

Now that is a bit of a shock - I have been told by numerous family members in the last year that "you're not twenty five anymore -use you head, be careful, you cant do what you used to" YES,I CAN - BY USING MY HEAD"

I am really trying to balance my Marathon training and trying to taper for my two halfs in the next three weeks - I guess the best way to do it is just consider the races as my distance day for that particular week of Marathon Training--we shall see how that goes.
Off to the gym shortly - it is cold this morning but I will do the 6km to and from the gym and do my upper body plus hips, shins, core and some bike time for endurance after the circuits
Tomorrow the plan is my long day with my training friends Glenn and Lin - I will probably do between 25-30km - we shall see what the body is willing to do and how the weather is.

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